Wednesday 25 July 2018

Child Safe Roller Blinds


Spring Assists returns to roller blinds

The latest release from Blindware brings back chain free roller blinds in a big way,  Concerned with the children and the chocking hazard that roller blind chains present, then consider the ZeroGravity option from Taylor and Stirling.

Chainless roller blind or spring assists have never been more exciting, with the recent launch of ZeroGravity,  it has never been clearer why Spring Assist technology will always have very clear advantages over traditional geared systems.

What is ZeroGravity?
A brand new roller blind technology that is exquisite in it's simplicity. The weight of the blind always remains perfectly has been balanced with the
fabric, over the entire operating range- creating a masterpiece of effortless operation.  Unlike traditional spring  roller blinds zero gravity roller blinds wont spin around at the top if you let them go, they will just stop at this point.

With the removal of chain from the roller blinds, you immediately remove traditional dangerous choke points from your roller blinds.  We can also retrofit the system to existing roller blinds bring a fresh new look to your roller blinds and removing unsightly chains from your walls, and provide a much safer child friendly environment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link="" video_title="1"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday 23 July 2018

Work experience and how it has impacted our latest student-

taylor and stirling

We have had the pleasure all week of teaching and training our latest work experience student

Leticia Glynn.

She has experienced anything from, measure and quoting, sewing, using the air compressor and staple gun to construct a divider wall screen, an electronic Interior Design consultation in PDF form based on a client brief, fabric selections and visual merchandising.


What was the best part of your experience working at Taylor and Stirling? Being able to be hands on with a project and seeing the outcome come to life.

After your experience has this made your passion for Interior Design more eager to get out there in the big wide world?  Yes! Because I am eager to keep learning and develop my skills further. It has got me thinking a lot more about taking more steps in the right direction.

Would you say your understanding of fabrics has now broadened? Definitely, I did not know much about fabrics and curtains when I first started. I can see that there is a lot of involvement throughout the process especially in some products more than others.

Would you like to try any other fields in Interior Design to confirm which avenue you would prefer to go down? I am interested in colour and lighting as well.

Will you be starting any projects and activities from home now that you have a better understanding of how it all goes together? I would like to rearrange and reconstruct my bedroom and then move to the lounge room. I have talked to mum lately about our lounge room and how I feel the space would benefit from a slight makeover.



:-Pictured above shows the beautiful divider wall screen that Leticia assisted in making-


1)- I have learned how to “break the rules” in design. What I mean is to go against what once may have been considered a rule and then make it work in a space. I feel this made tasks more challenging and rewarding.

2)- When finding your own style, you don’t always have to follow the trends.

3)- I will always take into consideration the client brief as I am there to guide and inspire to the best of my ability.


Leticia did a fantastic job of her electronic Interior Design consultation so we wanted to share that with you all on how much she has learnt, taken in and already been studying up on in her own time.




Please head to or Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for inspiration. Here you will find our products and services available.


What it takes to create a great colour pallet.


Written by Shandelle Cooper.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Motorised Wire Guide Awnings, powered by Somfy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Motorised wire guide external blinds provide a great window covering, stopping the heat gain during the summer months, and but also can provide additional heat trap during the winter and stop condensation building up that occurs on many double glass windows. Here we have a great fabric in Ricky Richards Outlook Mode fabric with a 10year warranty motorised with every reliable Somfy motors.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_single_image image="4854" align="center"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link="" video_title="1"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday 13 July 2018

Interior Inspiration

taylor and stirling

Interior inspiration-

What has Taylor and Stirling been up to? Well we have lots to tell you. Firstly, we have plans for some new décor product adventures. One of them has already surfaced and creating a lot of interest. This would be our new interior lamp shades. Combining our love for fabric and art we now have a selection of unique shades to pep up your space. Teamed up with a soft sheer in your room it is sure to be a conversation starter. (please see below)

Speaking of sheers, we are loving what is available to us now and how they are being used. In the recent past sheers served a purpose of filtering the light that passes from outside into our homes or space. The fabric available was a wide variety of course ranging from hessian like textures into a delicate lace pattern or even a combination.

In today's era we are experiencing a more softer plain like fabric selection that do the same thing, filter the light. Except these days they are also softening the interiors of our rooms that is simple, soft and luxurious. Harsh like spaces are being transformed just by adding a simple sheer. Sheers are becoming increasingly popular now that the look and feel is more modern rather than some of the harsher products that used to be available. This is exactly what we need!!

Who would have thought that such a simple and effective move can make such a transformation? Installing sheers that are slightly larger than the window size ensures that you get a fuller, softer look when the treatment is closed.

We have come to know that you can do this with paint colour, however when combing the two together whether it be a dark paint colour you can then team it back with a soft colour on a soft sheer fabric and really do wonders to your space.


1)- Find a colour and texture that softens your space correctly and compliments your wall colour.

2)- Take the sheers off the width further if you have the space. Depending on the width of the window it could range from 200mm to 300mm and upwards. This will allow more light to come through as the fabric won’t cover the window as much if they are open.

3)- Don’t be scared to be bold with your paint colour because the sheers will soften it or vice versa.

4)- Relax, enjoy and love life.


Please head to or Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for inspiration. Here you will find our products and services available.


Up next we will show you our new photo shoot on “Softening the Harsh”.

Stay tuned as it will be worth the wait.


Written by Shandelle Cooper